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Three Must Read Books with Ashley Part 2

I used to LOVE reading prior to vet school. I was a total book nerd growing up and had a library of 200+ books. Thank goodness for Kindle now and making my office much less cluttered. When I got into vet school and then became a new grad, studying took up so much of my time that reading just fell to the wayside. I felt like I was already reading too much and didn't see the value in "reading for fun."

It wasn't until two years ago that I picked reading back up again as a past time. I MADE the time to do it because I knew how much I loved reading another's perspective along with escaping into fun, fantasy worlds too. I struggle to fall asleep, so reading before bed has been a big help in relaxing me at night.

I want to share 3 books with you that have really struck a cord with me over the last 5 years in helping me grow both personally and as a veterinary professional. I also threw in a bonus book for funsies that was one of my recent favorite "escapes" that I could not put down.

#1: My motivation book that helped me to GET SHIT DONE!

by Jen Sincero

Quite honestly...this book is THE motivation behind deciding to write "Becoming a Millennial Veterinarian" and starting Vets on the Rise. It is my secret weapon! My husband's boss at the time gave it to everyone as a gift for personal development. He isn't really into that kind of stuff (HAHA!), but I am! I thought it looked pretty cheesy, but I figured...why not give it a try!? And OMG, it was a game changer.

You are a Badass is the perfect mix of hilarious anecdotes, inspiration, and quite frankly is full of change your life advice. It was like all these magical, life changing ideas started appearing in my head while I was reading it!

I am SO happy I read this book because I really do believe everything that is in it. Mindset is everything to changing your life, and it is full of advice to help you get what you want out of your life. Even reading these words back...I see how cheesy it is, but I promise you it is true.

When to read You are a Badass: If you are feeling stuck or in a rut with your life. If you have all these ideas in your head, but you have no idea how to even start implementing them. Sincero will help you...I promise!

#2: The book that showed me my professional flaws and gave me ways to ACTIVELY CHANGE

What Got You Here Won't Get You There

by Marshall Goldsmith

I JUST finished this book last week. Veterinary Emergency Group sent me a care package after I signed my contract filled with a ton of amazing goodies plus 6 books to help my personal and professional growth. amazing!? If I was not already obsessed with them before, this really sealed the deal.

Now, this book looks pretty boring on the cover, and the small font size is daunting. However! I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN! I read it so fast and was fascinated by it. Goldsmith dives into the twenty habits that hold you back from the top. He has helped many successful people in business gain even more success by acknowledging the flaws that hold them back and figuring out ways to actively change. Many of them were already high up in companies, and after he got through to them, they soared even more! How cool is that?

From his list, I gathered that my personal bad habits at work are "not listening" and "an excessive need to be 'me.'" I already knew some of this, but there is something about seeing it in writing.

When to read What Got you Here Won't Get You There: This is a great book to read if you want to learn a little more about yourself in the work place. If you are wondering why you keep getting passed by for that promotion or recognition, this book will find that answer for you.

#3: My personal development mantra

The Four Agreements

by Don Miguel Ruiz

This book is quick, easy to read, and in my opinion is a personal development classic. I cannot say enough good things about it. I have the four agreements literally saved in my phone to read and reread whenever I feel down about something. It quite literally teaches you how to let things go and live your life.

Ruiz shows you how your past impacts your future. You are given the tools to change this and focus on how to make your future better. I am quite literally obsessed with this book and have read it at least 5 times. PLUS, being 138 pages, you can easily read it on a plane ride or beachside.

This is the book I pull out at least once a year to reread so that I can remind myself why the four agreements are so important to "future me" and my happiness.

When to read The Four Agreements: When you are unhappy or anxious. I promise you this book will give you the tools to improve your mindset. It is a quick read with long lasting results.

Bonus book for funsies and a great mindless read

American Royals

by Katharine McGee

I crushed this book in days and read the sequel just as quickly! I am a sucker for royalty love stories, and this one has it all in there! It has good character development and all the drama. If you want an easy, mindless read...especially pool or beach side as it warms up, this is it. Here is to hoping there is a third soon!

I hope you enjoy my book choices. There is a little something for everyone here. If you are on the fence about reading books for your personal or professional growth...I promise my top 3 are great first choices. Once you get started, you will be hungry for more. I 100% attribute these books to my growing success and happiness with life. I hope they do the same for you!

Happy reading!

<3 Ashley

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